Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems


Skills Development Loading Bar Concept - Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
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Science Skills Services | Webinar am Montag, 23. September 2024 - 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr 

businessman protection money on table with tree. concept saving
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Logo Land Niederösterreich
Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum
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Science Skills Services | Webinar am Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 15:00-16:00 Uhr

Concept of national healthcare system - EU - European Union
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Förderinfo | Veranstaltungshinweis


Woman showing cochlear implant
Skills Development Loading Bar Concept - Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
  • Forschungsblog

Science Skills Services | Webinar am Montag, 14. Oktober 2024 - 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr 

heart monitor in operating theater
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... in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation

Aktuelle Publikation


Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship


Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
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businessman protection money on table with tree. concept saving
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Confident young scientist explaining his research at a poster session.
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the human hand and the siber hand bionic prosthesis make a handshake and greeting. modern technologies of prosthetics of limbs of hands and feet. full life of people with amputated limbs. black bionic
Concept of national healthcare system - EU - European Union
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Doctor checking chest x-ray film at ward hospital. Surgery operation and medical banner design.
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RTO Treffen 2023, Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten
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Online Vernetzungsveranstaltung für wissenschaftlich tätiges Personal an den KL-Universitätskliniken

Veranstaltungshinweis | Science Skills Services

Cancer patient woman wearing head scarf after chemotherapy consulting and visiting doctor in hospital.
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Online survey and comparison with current guidelines.

Aktuelle Publikation


OA Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Klaus Podar
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... in transplant noneligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Longitudinal and cross‐sectional analysis of the randomized AGMT 02 study

Aktuelle Publikation


Dr. Susanne Rabady
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Aktuelle Publikation


Blood test tubes. Senior female scientist examining blood test tubes at her laboratory dna testing
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Versand Trockeneis & Biologische Stoffe der Kategorie B

Sciene Skills Services

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
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Skills Development Loading Bar Concept - Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
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Weiterbildungsangebot | Veranstaltungshinweis


Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
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Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität
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torn paper revealing the text: save the date
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis
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Aktuelle Publikation


businessman protection money on table with tree. concept saving
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Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Bibliothek
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Veranstaltungshinweis - Weiterbildung im Rahmen der Science Skills Services