Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics
Misson Statement
The research of the division focusses mainly on the scientific analysis of ethical issues linked to the digital transformation of the healthcare sector. The public health perspective is crucial in this regard, which makes social determinants of healthcare the focus of research at the division.
Biomedical and public health ethics focus on the interpersonal as well as social practice of actors within the healthcare sector. In this regard, relationships and determinants of social actions as well as opportunities and risks of new technologies are of crucial interest. The crucial task of ethics besides generating research results is to support actors within health care to facilitate patient well-being.
The practice of physicians, nurses, and therapists is inextricably linked to ethical aspects. This makes ethics a key element of healthcare. The steady increase of scientific knowledge and the high innovative potential of the healthcare sector frequently create new options for providing healthcare services. In order to address these aspects, research and teaching at the division is based on a scientifically sound and practice-oriented examination of ethical issues that arise in the different contexts of action in the healthcare system.

wHR Mag. Dr. Eleonore Kemetmüller PMME
Scientific Staff (Sen. PostDoc)
Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics

Mag. Dr. Ingrid Metzler
Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics

Dr. Keerthi Dubbala MBBS MPH
Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics

Mag. Dr. Claudia Gertraud Schwarz
Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics