Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Fachbereich Anatomie und Entwicklungsbiologie

Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology

Mission Statementof the Division of Anatomy an Developmental Biology

Anatomy (doctrin of the structure of the healthy organism) forms the basis for understanding organ function, diagnosing pathologies and invasive treatment. The department aims at basic education of students and postgraduate training of physicians with respect to innovative treatment methods.

Historically, a proper understanding of human anatomy was pivotal for modern, scientifically sound medicine. Today, the knowledge of the internal structure of the human body is still fundamental for both, the comprehension of body functions in health and disease as well as invasive therapeutic procedures.
The division of anatomy and developmental biology aims at meeting the current challenges of joint, interdisciplinary elaboration of less invasive clinical interventions and at embedding anatomical teaching and training in a life-long, competency based, integrated curricular concept.
In addition to clinically-applied projects, research focuses upon analysing the ontophyletic background of present human anatomy.

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Lehre

In medical didactics, paradigms have shifted towards integrated, competence-based curricula; at the same time the total medical knowledge doubles every year. These developments prompt for a dynamic, lifelong educational concept, which demands both pre- and postgraduate commitment from university teachers. 

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Fachbereich Anatomie und Entwicklungsbiologie

With respect to research, a triple-track approach is persued: integrative morphogenetic approach, clinical anatomical research and idactic research.

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Here you will find an overview of the publications of the Division of Anatomy.

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Here you will find the projects of the Division of Anatomy.

Körperspende Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

At the Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences (KL), it is possible for people living in Lower and Upper Austria to make their bodies available to KL for teaching and research after their death.

Medizin, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, ohne NC, Krems, Anatomie

The third goal of the department, in addition to research and pregraduate teaching, is the postgraduate training of physicians in specific clinical skills and the teaching of anatomical skills to paramedical professionals.

Angehende Ärzt:innen im Seziersaal der Pathologie St. Pölten stehen am Seziertisch

Anatomy St. Pölten

Dissecting Room University Hospital St. Pölten

Students of KL University have the opportunity to acquire important skills and abilities at the University Hospital St. Pölten, which are crucial for their later work as physicians.

Head of Division of Anatomy

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Streicher

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Streicher

Head of
Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology

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Team Division of Anatomy

Dr. Sophie Förster-Streffleur

Dr. Sophie Förster-Streffleur

Scientific Staff (Sen. PostDoc)
Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology

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Mag. Dr. Gerlinde Maria Gruber

Mag. Dr. Gerlinde Maria Gruber

Scientific Staff (Sen. PostDoc)
Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology

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Biermayr Reinhard

Reinhard Biermayr

Obduktionsassistent der Pathologie am Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten

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Maria Höpfner

Maria Höpfner

Assistant, Assistant
Division of Biomechanics, Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology

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Christina Penz BA

Christina Penz BA

Division of Biomechanics, Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology

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