Servicestellen für Studierende und Mitarbeiter:innen: Menschen gehen im Foyer der KL

Counselling services for students and employees

The following service centres are available to KL students and staff in the event of problems and conflicts.

Psychological counselling for students and staff

Support for all problematic life situations

In cooperation with Hilfswerk, a counsellor is available every 14 days. This service is anonymous and confidential. An experienced psychologist from the Hilfswerk team provides counselling in all stressful life situations. The counselling sessions are offered in German or English. No pre-booking is necessary.

The counselling sessions take place as initial contact by telephone and can also be offered in person at the Hilfswerk premises in Krems, Karl Eybl Gasse 5 - just a few minutes away from KL - by appointment.

Telephone: 0676/87 87 44 329 (Norbert Scheibenpflug)

The current dates are published in the Open Campus at and are also sent out in the KL Newsletter.

Contact point for equal treatment issues for employees and students

When experiencing discrimination due to diversity

The KL has a contact point for equal opportunities issues to intervene in cases of discrimination. It cooperates with the Commission for Gender Equality and the Advancement of Women and is assigned to it. They report to this committee (anonymised) on concerns that have been brought to them in order to initiate structural improvements.

The members of the contact point are contact persons for discrimination issues, i.e. if you have experienced or are experiencing discrimination at KL due to your gender identity or affiliation, sexual orientation, origin, religion or ideology or have observed such discrimination from others in your KL environment. The members of the contact centre provide advice and support in such problem situations with the utmost discretion and confidentiality. Depending on the wishes of those affected, they can also become active within the institution. They make suggestions on how to resolve situations and can also suggest measures at a structural level. You can contact the members of the contact centre directly by email or telephone. 


  • Mag. Dr. Ingrid Metzler
  • Mag. Dr. Lars Uhlig
  • Mag. Norman Meuschke


Representative for denominational equality issues

Women's Representative at the KL

To promote equality on a personal and structural level

The Women's Representative advises and supports the university bodies in matters relating to the advancement of women and the initiation of measures to promote gender equality. She can be called upon for individual concerns regarding the elimination of specific disadvantages due to gender, issues relating to the compatibility of family and career/studies, support in cases of sexualised discrimination and violence. You can also contact the Women's Representative if you have suggestions for improving structural conditions at KL in order to promote equality.

The Women's Representative will act on such suggestions and complaints in order to initiate improvements in equality not only in individual cases but for the entire organisation.

Contact directly by email at

Ombudsperson's office for students

In larger organisational and institutional structures, complaints management requires low-threshold and non-hierarchical approaches as well as impartial, confidential and mediating action. These include ombudsman offices, which mediate and resolve problems for groups of people or processes.

Our university has therefore also decided to set up an Ombuds Office for Students and implement an ombudsperson. The Ombuds Office is responsible for applicants, students and graduates of Karl Landsteiner University. The ombudsperson advises and intervenes in the event of problems with university procedures and processes or social problems that have their origin there.

Students' concerns can best be submitted by email to There is also a post box in the administration building for written contact (P.O. Box 23 Ombuds Office).

Disability officer for students and staff at KL

Equal opportunities for students and staff with disabilities, impairments and/or chronic illnesses is an important concern for KL. KL endeavours to find practical, innovative and individual solutions for special requirements.

Many obstacles can be overcome with timely preparation, appropriate aids and some special regulations. The Disability Officer supports students and staff with disabilities, impairments and/or chronic illnesses in finding the best possible conditions at KL to enable them to study/work successfully.

Silvia Koller holds the position of Disability Officer, which is organisationally located in the Rector's Office. Concerns can be submitted by email to

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Anlaufstelle für Gleichbehandlungsfragen

Contact point for equal treatment issues

On the initiative of the Commission for Equality and the Advancement of Women, a contact point for equal treatment issues was established.

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Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Kommission für Gleichstellung und Frauenförderung

Commission for Equality and the Advancement of Women

According to the statutes of the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (as of 25.1.2016), point 4.1, there is a Commission for Equality and the Advancement of Women.

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