Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Anlaufstelle für Gleichbehandlungsfragen

Contact point for equal treatment issues

On the initiative of the Commission for Equality and the Advancement of Women, a contact point for equal treatment issues was established.

The Contact Point for Equal Treatment Issues is a counselling facility for all KL staff and students who have experienced discrimination. The members of the Equal Treatment Office are the contact persons for discrimination issues. They provide advice and support in problem situations with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.

Task of the Equality Clearing House

The Equal Treatment Contact Point has the task of combating discrimination on the grounds of

  • religion
  • belief
  • age
  • sexual orientation
  • disability
  • to counteract discrimination on the basis of gender
  • ethnicity

disability, to advise and support KL staff and students in these matters and to prevent such incidents in the future.


The members of the Contact Point for Equal Treatment Issues act independently and are not bound by instructions. The anonymity of the person concerned and the confidentiality of private matters are guaranteed, and all matters are treated confidentially.

  • Mag. Dr. Ingrid Metzler
  • Mag. Dr. Lars Uhlig
  • Mag. Norman Meuschke
  • anlaufstelle@kl.ac.at

Representative for denominational equality issues

Counselling procedure

Affected persons can contact a member of the Equal Treatment Contact Point by e-mail. In a confidential conversation, the facts of the case are clarified, and based on this, individual goals are discussed and possibilities are pointed out. If it becomes clear during the discussion that no intervention is necessary or desired, the facts of the case will be documented while preserving the anonymity of the person concerned.

If an intervention is necessary or desired, further talks with the second party can take place. If it becomes clear during the discussion that the Equality Body is not competent, an attempt will be made to find another suitable body.

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Advisory Board

Advisory Board

The KL Advisory Board advises and supports the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in the further development and realisation of its visions.

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Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Gesundheitsuni Krems, Kommission für Gleichstellung und Frauenförderung

Commission for Equality and the Advancement of Women

According to the statutes of the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (as of 25.1.2016), point 4.1, there is a Commission for Equality and the Advancement of Women.

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Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Commission on Ethics and Scientific Integrity

KL is committed to adhering to scientific and ethical standards in research and teaching. The Scientific Integrity and Ethics Committee was set up for this purpose 

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