Good Scientific Practice
Universities have the task of conducting research and thus promoting research activities. They are responsible for ensuring that research projects are carried out responsibly according to scientific, ethical and legal criteria.
This Good Scientific Practice Guideline of Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences defines clear rules and standards for good scientific practice. It represents a guideline for careful, scientific work, but also regulates the handling of any violations of good scientific practice.
This guideline is binding for all KL employees. It is intended to guarantee that research conducted at KL is carried out according to international standards. However, it also supports the researchers themselves by clearly formulating their rights and obligations.
The common goal must be science that is committed to the common good, has integrity according to scientific and ethical criteria, is transparent and also successful in international competition.
For enquiries about Good Scientific Practice, please contact the Chairman of the Commission for Scientific Integrity and Ethics, Primar Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Trautinger. For further information and questions, please consult the website of the Austrian Agency for Scientific Quality