
On Wednesday 5 February 2025, the first Science Parade took place at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences. Almost 80 participants took part in the unique networking event on the Krems campus.

Über fachlich gute Medizin und Pflege hinaus steigt der Bedarf an berufsübergreifender Kommunikation, Zusammenarbeit und gemeinsam gestalteten Entscheidungsprozessen in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.

Im Rahmen unserer Schulkooperation mit dem BRG Ringstraße Krems fand vergangene Woche ein weiterer spannender Workshop zum Thema „Medizinische Fertigkeiten im ärztlichen Beruf“ statt.

Groundbreaking research led by scientists at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences sheds light on how α2δ protein mutations affect neurodevelopmental processes.

Under the motto "Physical and mental health to become a pilot", an operational pilot from the Österreichisches Bundesheer gave an insight into the mechanics of the human body under extreme flight conditions on 23 January 2025 as part of the "Mechanics, Solids and Fluids" lecture in the Bachelor's degree programme in Medical Science.

Im Rahmen unserer Schulkooperation mit dem BRG Ringstraße Krems fand kürzlich ein spannender Vortrag zum Thema "Wieso werden Menschen straffällig?" statt. In dieser Kurzvorlesung wurden die komplexen psychologischen, sozialen und biologischen Faktoren untersucht, die zur Straffälligkeit führen können.
In November 2024, the first course of the certificate programme "Therapeutic possibilities of evidence-based phytotherapy" took place at KL. A total of 20 doctors, pharmacists and interested parties from other professional groups in the healthcare sector are taking part in this university-based further training course and acquiring specialised knowledge and therapeutic skills in phytotherapy.

New study reveals crucial differences in gene activity and opens up personalized therapeutic approaches.
As part of the cooperation on interprofessional education in the health and social professions at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems) and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, around 300 students from both institutions worked together on practical examples to find the best solutions for patients.

In order to be able to train clinical skills and emergency competencies in medical training in a realistic manner, an innovative system for simulation training, the so-called SIMStation, was purchased on the initiative of the Clinical Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Tulln University Hospital in cooperation with Karl Landsteiner University.

Die Kommission für Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaft (KGPW) der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) hat am Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2024 zum Workshop Hermann Cohen: ein Denken für das 21. Jahrhundert unter der Leitung von w.M. em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Klein und w.M. Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch eingeladen.

On 27th of November 2024, the ballroom of the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences opened its doors for an event that addressed a fundamental question of human existence: "Saying goodbye with dignity. How and where do we want to die?"

Lack of follow-up care for breast implants leads to delayed detection of ruptures. A new study highlights the risk of serious long-term consequences and calls for greater awareness.