Division Water Quality and Health

Mission Statement of the Division Water Quality and Health

The Division of Water Quality and Health is c (oncerned with health-related microbiological water quality and hygiene. The focus is on the development and application of pioneering methods and strategies for analyzing water quality in natural and technical systems. The field of water hygiene can be seen as a model example in environmental health and prevention.

The quality of water is of fundamental importance for human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 10% of the global health burden is due to unsafe water or lack of sanitation. In the sense of the WHO approach, DWQ&H relates traditional investigation parameters to directly health-oriented quality objectives. Based on this, monitoring and management strategies for safe water use are derived.

Interdisciplinary cooperation

The research focus on DWQ&H is realized within the framework of the extension of the Inter-University Cooperation Centre Water and Health (ICC Water & Health, www.waterandhealth.at) founded between the Medical University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) and the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences.

Within the ICC Water & Health, Prof. Farnleitner also holds a full professorship at TU Wien, leading the Research Group Microbiology and Molecular Diagnostics.

  • The multidisciplinary cooperation of these three institutions creates an internationally visible centre in the field of water and health in the Central European Danube Region.
  • The research groups of the ICC Water & Health are strongly networked internationally and is represented in international committees and organizations. A central concern is to pass on the scientific knowledge gained to society within the framework of student teaching, through training and further education, at specialist societies and congresses, and generally through public relations work.

Our international research expertise in essential areas of microbiology, molecular diagnostics (DNA/RNA analysis and bioinformatics), hygiene, and toxicology is contributed to the scientific education of KL students.

The activities focus on the development and application of new diagnostic methods for the detection, hazard and risk analysis of health-relevant microorganisms and pathogens in natural and technical water systems.

Here you can find an overview of the publications of the Division of Water Quality and Health (DWQ&H).

Here you will find an overview of the projects of the Water Quality and Health Department.

The team of the Division of Water Quality and Health (DWQ&H) performs a number of expert activities.

A specially designed laboratory infrastructure was created for the Division of Water Quality and Health (DWQ&H) in the course of the planning and construction work in the new university building at KL. 

Head of the Division of Water Quality and Health (DWQ&H)

Univ.-Prof. PD Dr. Andreas Farnleitner MSc

Univ.-Prof. PD Dr. Andreas Farnleitner MSc

Head of
Division of Water Quality and Health

Team Division of Water Quality and Health

Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Alexander Kirschner

Assoc. Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Alexander Kirschner

Scientific Staff (Sen. PostDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Anna Schmid BSc

Anna Schmid BSc

Division of Water Quality and Health

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Karen Zuser MSc

Karen Zuser MSc

Head of labaratory, Works Council
Division of Water Quality and Health

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DI Dr. Claudia Kolm Bakk

DI Dr. Claudia Kolm Bakk

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Dr. Mats Leifels

Dr. Mats Leifels

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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DI Sophia Steinbacher BSc

DI Sophia Steinbacher BSc

Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Dr. René Mayer

Dr. René Mayer

Scientific Staff (PostDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Denisa Cont MSc

Denisa Cont MSc

Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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DI Angelika Koller Bakk

DI Angelika Koller Bakk

Chemical-technical assistant
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Hatice Seda Kilic Portrait

Dipl.-Ing. Hatice Seda Kilic

Gastforscherin, Dep. Pharmakologie, Physiologie und Mikrobiologie, Fachbereich Wasserqualität und Gesundheit

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Dipl.-Ing. Theresa Hohl BSc

Dipl.-Ing. Theresa Hohl BSc

Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Dominik-Andreas Kugler MSc.

Dominik-Andreas Kugler MSc.

Scientific Staff (PreDoc), Safety Officer
Division of Water Quality and Health

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Former Visiting Researchers:

  • Warish Ahmed - Microbiology & Virology, Research Program in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Land & Water.
  • Sílvia Monteiro - Microbiology & Virology, Erasmus+
  • Savannah Scott - Molecular Biology, Fulbright Scholar