Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology
Mission Statement of the Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology
The Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology performs landmark bench-to-bedside research to improve the lives of tumor patients through innovative diagnostics, prognostics and individualized cancer therapies.
Cancer is the worldwide most feared and fastest growing disease of our time. In 2035 an estimated 22 million people are expected to be cancer patients, 13 millions of whom will die. In Austria, around 375,000 people are currently diagnosed with cancer, 40,000 are newly diagnosed each year. Around 20,000 patients yearly die of cancer, making cancer the second most common cause of death. Due to an increase in life expectancy as well as improved screening and diagnostic methods, these numbers are expected to further rise in the coming years. Cancer is therefore of highest relevance for health policies.
Based on hypothesis-generating digital biomedical data, the interdisciplinary team of the Division of "Molecular Oncology and Hematology" focuses on both, experimental research deciphering biomolecular patho-mechanisms of cancer as well as the derived development and clinical testing of novel diagnostics, prognostics and therapeutics. As a bridge-builder between basic and clinical research and the promoter of young physician/ scientists at the university hospitals and the research laboratories of the Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences, the Division of "Molecular Oncology and Hematology" aims to contribute to the excellence in biomedical research, teaching, and above all to utmost advanced patient care.

OA Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Klaus Podar
Head of
Division of Molecular Oncology and Hematology, Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)
- Rebeka Blanka Rigó
- Michael Schranz
- Samuel Wundsam
Student Staff:
- Christina Chittilappily, Master student Human Medicine
- Elena Hofbauer, Master student Human Medicine
Visiting researchers:
- Inge Oudaert, VUB (10-12/2022)
Former team members:
- Dr. Felix Czernilofski
- Dr. Theo Pirich
- Dr. Elisabeth Kvalsvik
- Anja Holzer, Masterstudentin Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Vincent Sunder-Plaßmann, Masterstudent Humanmedizin
- Elias Braunek, Masterstudent Humanmedizin
- Dr.in rer. nat. Judith Lind
- Tamara Gassner, MTA
Please address your inquiries to the department to DIin Dr.in Marion Ettenauer.

Judith Lind at Laboratory
KL/K. Podar
Team Podar at Laboratory
Osman Oksoy at Laboratory