Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum

Research projects

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, KRIS

Research portal KRIS

KL Research Information System

The research portal KRIS (Karl Landsteiner information system) presents the entire research output of researchers at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences. The portal facilitates searches for research outputs, people and organisational units. Publications, research projects, awards and memberships are all presented in a clear and consistent way on KRIS. KRIS enables experts to network and ensures the visibility of public research activities.
The following overview provides a brief outline of the latest projects. For more information, click on the link for KRIS.

Overview of KL research projects

  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Finished
Eine neue räumliche Fourier Domain Quellenlokalisierung für EEG
  • Division of Biostatistics and Data Science
  • Active
  • D.O.T. - Die offene Tür (The Open Door)
  • Finished
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Finished
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Finished
blood cells

This project aims to investigate endotoxin-neutralising mechanisms in blood. One focus is the influence of anticoagulation on the effect of endotoxins or on endotoxin-neutralising factors in the blood. Furthermore, so-called host defence peptides (HDPs) will be isolated from human whole blood and their influence on the activity of endotoxins will be investigated. Subsequently, the HDPs will be characterised with regard to their molar mass.

  • Division of Water Quality and Health
  • Division of Pharmacology
  • Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)
  • Molecular Oncology / Hematology

In a first philosophical part, the dissertation project provides an update and an interdisciplinary investigation of the basic concepts and assumptions of psychoanalytic object relations theory by including research from the Philosophy of Mind, the cognitive sciences, but also phenomenology, in the discussion of psychoanalytic theory. In the second empirical part, a study design is developed for a validation study of a psychometric measurement instrument based on psychoanalytic object relations theory.

  • Division of Psychodynamics
  • Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)
  • Finished
  • Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)
  • Finished

The Erasmus+ funded project “Teaching to Be: Supporting Teachers' Professional Growth and Wellbeing in the Field of Social and Emotional Learning” aims to enhance the professional wellbeing and growth of teachers and is being implemented by eight partner institutions in Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, and Austria. Prim.a Priv.-Doz. Dr. Beate Schrank, PhD, MSc is leading the project at the Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, in close collaboration with the University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research.

The goal of the T2Be project is to develop and evaluate an interactive online course in game format, accompanied by a workbook, to promote the professional wellbeing of teachers by strengthening their social and emotional skills as well as school quality development. As part of the participatory action research in schools, the project collaborates with teachers in Lower Austria, Vienna, and Burgenland to research professional wellbeing and develop corresponding online course content. A total of 165 teachers are participating in the research project in Austria. Within the framework of participatory action research, 67 educators from five schools participate in fifteen workshops to co-develop the online wellbeing course and research the topic of professional wellbeing.

In addition to creating an online course with an accompanying workbook, practical (inter)national policy recommendations for the professional development and empowerment of educators, and an implementation guide (PAR-Guide) for schools to implement the online course and participatory action research within the school community, will be developed. Various publications accompany this process.

Contact information:
Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry
Contact person T2Be Austria:
Mag. Sylvia Dörfler, BSc (CoI)
Mobil: +43 2732 72090 441

  • Research Centre Transitional Psychiatry
  • Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)
  • Finished
  • Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)
  • D.O.T. - Die offene Tür (The Open Door)
  • Finished
  • Division of Pharmacology

Assessment of the health relevance of Vibrio cholerae in bathing waters in Lower Austria: distribution, abundance, diversity and potential pathogenicity

  • Division of Water Quality and Health

Die vorliegende Leitlinie S1 fasst den Stand der Kenntnis zu Long COVID zum Zeitpunkt des Redaktionsschlusses zusammen. Aufgund der starken Dynamik der Wissensentwicklung versteht sie sich als „living guideline“. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der praktischen Anwendbarkeit auf der Ebene der hausärztlichen Primärversorgung, die als geeignete Stelle für den Erstzutritt und für die primäre Betreuung und Behandlung verstanden wird. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zur Differenzialdiagnostik der häufigsten Symptome, die in der Folge einer Infektion mit SARS-CoV‑2 auftreten können, zu therapeutischen Optionen, zu Patient:innenführung und -betreuung, sowie zu Wiedereingliederung in den Alltag, und die Rehabilitation. Entsprechend des Krankheitsbildes ist die Leitlinie in einem interdisziplinären Prozess entstanden und gibt Empfehlungen zu Schnittstellen und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten.

  • Division of General and Family Medicine
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Active
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Finished
  • Division of Pharmacology
  • Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)
Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Danube Arc
  • Scientific Working Group Allergology and Immunology
  • Division of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases (University Hospital St. Pölten)
  • Division of Otorhinolaryngology (University Hospital Krems)
Algorithmic governance of care
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Active
  • Division of Internal Medicine 2 (University Hospital Krems)
  • Bachelor's Programme Medical Science
  • Division of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (University Hospital Krems)
  • Active
Einflussfaktoren auf die Häufigkeit von sexueller Aktivität
  • Division of Clinical Psychology
  • Division of Psychological Methodology
  • Active
  • Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (University Hospital Tulln)
  • D.O.T. - Die offene Tür (The Open Door)
  • Finished
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Finished
Prozess und Outcome in psychotherapeutischen Praxen
  • Master's Programme Psychology
  • Active
  • Division of Water Quality and Health
  • Division of Gerontology and Health Research
  • Finished