
Fortschritt für die personalisierte Therapie von Hirntumoren
Thursday, 16. May 2024

Machine learning (ML) methods can quickly and accurately diagnose mutations in gliomas – primary brain tumours.


The Karl Landsteiner University has changed two of its four partners: New members are MedAustron and the Province of Lower Austria.


Starting with the summer semester 2019 a new cooperation with the Hilfswerk Krems offers free initial psychological advice for KL students directly at Karl Landsteiner University.


Pathologists are urgently needed in Lower Austria. There are currently 15 training places available in the provincial clinics, only five of which can be filled according to the Medical Association.

Established in 2013, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL) is part of a wider academic and research community based at Campus Krems, and of a network comprising teaching hospitals in St. Pölten, Krems and Tulln. The University offers degree programmes in Human Medicine, Psychotherapy and Counselling Sciences, and Psychology – all of which are significant aspects of health policy. The programmes are tailored to the requirements of the Bologna model, opening the door to new, cutting-edge health professions. KL is committed to raising its profile in specific areas of biomedicine and biopsychosocial sciences by entering into strategic academic and research partnerships with other institutions.

The university is looking to fill the following professorship at the earliest possible opportunity:


The countdown is on and it will be exciting. The deadline for submitting the 2018 Sponsorship Award of the Sparkasse Krems Private Foundation has passed. The jury of experts has now been appointed to review all submitted projects and decide on the awarding of the prizes.


For the 98th time the International Women's Day will be celebrated on March 8th.


Researchers from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna explain workings of placental transport systems; spotlight on mercury and iron.
The toxic heavy metal mercury can find its way into the blood of unborn babies through the placenta by “camouflaging” itself as an amino acid. This finding was the outcome of research carried out by a team from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna. In contrast, little is known about placental transport of iron, an essential element that is often found in insufficient quantities in expectant mothers and their unborn foetuses. Based on the methods used and experience gained in the mercury study, the inter-university team is now looking at this transport process in a new project, which is also being supported by NÖ Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB).


Gold Plus Standard for the KL - Already the second award within one year for the KL building.


New publication by Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz Kolland


The new year brought the start of the Division of Pharmacology with our Professor of Pharmacology, Dr. Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi.


Golden Globe for Ben Wishaw, among others leading actor in the movie "Little Joe".


The Science Prize 2018 of the Medical Society of Lower Austria was awarded this year to Dr. Klaus Hackner of the University Hospital Krems, Department of Pulmology (Chairman: Prim. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Errhalt).

Further information