Tuesday, 18. July 2023

That was the Junge Uni 2023

The Junge Uni was a great success again this year! And KL was enthusiastically involved on 13 July - the "Health Day" - as a partner of IMC FH. More than 100 children and young people took part in KL lectures and workshops to get to know the world of research and science.

The kick-off was given by OA Dr Klaus Hackner, lung specialist at the University Hospital Krems, with his lecture "When the air is cut off - this is how the lungs work". The young audience learned interesting facts about how the human lung works, about diseases of this organ and how a lung performance test is done. In the afternoon, interactive workshops continued on the premises of KL: In the KL Skills Lab, KL students demonstrated how future doctors practise drawing blood on dummies and models, for example, and invited the workshop participants to join in and try things out. "What is a teaching laboratory? And how can human DNA be isolated and examined?" - these questions were answered by Arno Bindlechner, MSc, chemical-technical assistant at KL, and his team during a workshop in the KL teaching laboratory. Here, too, the children and young people had the opportunity to experiment themselves and take a closer look at the properties of DNA. Huge amounts of data, online shopping, social media - all these topics were covered and discussed in the psychology workshop "You and your smartphone", led by Dr.in Juliane Burghardt, research assistant in the KL Department of Clinical Psychology. In the workshop of the KL Competence Centre General and Family Medicine, conducted by Dr. Susanne Rabady, the participants dealt with "Health and Illness" and, not least, explored the question of how fake information can be distinguished from real information.
And last but not least: In cooperation with the University Hospital Krems, two workshops took place at the University Hospital. In the bronchoscopy, the young participants learned a lot about the work of a lung specialist and were allowed to examine the lungs using a bronchoscope and by Ass. Dr. Marlene Auer from Krems University Hospital, they were able to get gummy bears out of a lung dummy. During the workshop in the emergency department of Krems University Hospital, the children and young people were given an insight into the everyday work of an emergency doctor, were able to see the inside of an emergency ambulance and rescue helicopter and ask the paramedics and emergency doctors all their questions.
Finally, on Friday, 24 July 2023, the sponsorship ceremony of the Young University took place at IMC FH. Dr. Manfred Wieser, Vice Rector for Teaching, represented KL at the event and answered the young audience's questions about why it is so important to get involved with science and research at an early age.