Saturday, 15. September 2018

KL opens doors for art lovers

Last Saturday, art lovers visited the KL to view Christian Schwarzwald's artwork "Zell" installed in the foyer.

Landpartie is an initiative organized by Bärbel Zechner in cooperation with Kunst im öffentlichen Raum. On a Saturday, Viennese artists interested in art will travel to Lower Austria and visit various stations. The next station of the group was the art installation by Ramesch Daha on the wall of the Stein prison, which was initiated by KL.

The artwork "ZELL

The ZELL installation in the entrance hall of the KL consists of around 800 marked and painted aluminium plates (each 24 x 31 cm). Hanging on steel cables from the ceiling, they form a kind of large spherical swarm, which - caused by the different bends of the panels - appears in motion. One part is painted with blue paint in gestural to minimalist abstraction, the other part with graphic signs. From below one looks into a vortex of pictorial surfaces and unknown signs. They are reminiscent of hieroglyphics whose individual parts form a unit - similar to a written document, a code or a musical score.The form and content of the installation recall the matrix of a cell nucleus that, as a gigantic store of information, contains the DNA of an organism. At the same time, this arrangement of color structures and graphic abbreviations aims at the center of Black Forest's artistic investigation, in which he examines the logic and rules by which characters and images are created, how they relate to each other, and how individual signs form into complex information. ZELL is a kind of experimental arrangement in which the individual panels are used like letters. By removing the symbolic function of images through abstraction and forming signs beyond our language system, Schwarzwald creates an equivalence between writing and image. He explores the limits of legibility in order to explore the construction and structure of writing and signs.

Christian Schwarzwald often works in encyclopedically arranged serial works, which are composed of many small drawings. With surgical precision he examines writing, pictorial language, pictorial symbolism and metaphor. In his graphic work, he explores the world in its entirety with microscopic and macroscopic gaze and simultaneously enters the realm of the consciously undefined in works such as ZELL. Last but not least, it is this overcoming of resistance between analytical and associative thinking that constitutes Schwarzwald's artistic work.

Source: (Cornelia Offergeld)