
Fortschritt für die personalisierte Therapie von Hirntumoren
Thursday, 16. May 2024

Machine learning (ML) methods can quickly and accurately diagnose mutations in gliomas – primary brain tumours.


In the presence of Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems) celebrated its 10th founding anniversary on Friday, May 12, 2023, together with around 200 guests from education, science, healthcare, politics and business. During the event, former Governor Erwin Pröll was awarded the dignity of Honorary Senator of KL Krems for his services to the foundation and development of the university.


Dr Stephanie Hirschbichler, MSc PhD, is the lead clinician of the movement disorder outpatient clinic at the Neurology Department of St. Pölten University Hospital. In addition to her clinical work, the Consultant Neurologist looks into the mechanisms behind changes in risk-taking behaviour and whether and how the risk-seeking behaviour of patients with different diseases changes when they take dopaminergic medications. Dr Uwe Graichen from the Department of Biostatistics and Data Science implemented an online task to quantify risk tolerance.


Two members of the Department of Molecular Oncology and Hematology, headed by OA Univ.-Prof. Mag. DDr. Klaus Podar, received awards for their research projects at last month's annual OeGHO Congress in Innsbruck.


Biobanks collect samples and data for biomedical research. Samples and data must be carefully curated and linked to each other to be useful for biomedical research purposes. Open discussions of the expectations that sustain this biomedical work can help increase the sustainability of biobanks and research infrastructures.

Dr. Elisabeth Olbert - Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Non-interventional studies and real-world data analyses are getting more and more important. Since March, the Karl Landsteiner University for Health Sciences has been successfully accredited by both the Austrian Micro Data Center (AMDC) and Eurostat, the European statistical office.


Which fears are reported by children in connection with the transition from primary to secondary school and how do they deal with them? These questions were investigated by the scientific working group D.O.T. (The Open Door). Researchers led by Dr Beate Schrank, a medical doctor at the University Hospital Tulln, conducted more than 50 workshops in Lower Austrian school classes to better understand the psychological challenges during school transition.

Vera Gallistl

Research on age(ing) – still in its infancy


As part of a MedUni Vienna-led study conducted in cooperation with Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute and the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems, a comprehensive European allergy atlas has been compiled for the first time using a newly developed test method. Identification of molecular sensitisation patterns in around 2,800 children from northern, western, central and southern Europe revealed clear regional and climate-related differences in sensitisation to allergens, while also showing lifestyle- and diet-dependent divergences. The study results are now providing the basis for new diagnostic and treatment procedures for allergies, in addition to new prevention strategies at the European level. The findings have just been published in respected journal Allergy.


For those affected by B-cell cancer, a third SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is of particular importance. The 3rd vaccination often results in detectable antibody production even in those patients in whom the second vaccination has no effect and is therefore necessary for basic immunization. This recent study of the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Science has been published in the scientific journal "Cancers" and highlights that antibody levels increase quite generally significantly in almost all affected individuals after the 3rd vaccination. Overall, the work provides important insights for future vaccination strategies in a particularly vulnerable population – individuals suffering from cancer of cells that are important for the immune system.


Clinical studies confirm that dialectical behaviour therapy is effective for complex post-traumatic stress symptoms in female patients. Researchers from the Department of Clinical Psychology at the Karl Landsteiner University investigated data from a psychosomatic centre to analyse whether the method proves successful in a real-world clinical setting.

Further information