
Schwangere Frau legt Hände auf den Bauch.
Wednesday, 17. April 2024

A study by Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL Krems) highlights the urgent need for improved care and information for women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy or gestational diabetes.


Objective assessment of irregularities in a tumour’s shape provides a means to evaluate its aggressiveness more effectively prior to an operation. This was the key finding made by a team of physicians from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems whose research focused on meningiomas, a form of tumour that affects the meningeal tissue in the brain.


Archaea colonise extreme habitats, including the digestive tract of vertebrates. The different strains are specific to the host, researchers with the participation of the ICC Water & Health (KL, TU, MUW) have now shown.


In the auditorium Grafenegg on Monday evening the prestigious science prizes of the province of Lower Austria were awarded.


As the first doctoral student of the biomechanics division, Sarah-Jane Estermann recently completed her research project „Medi3DPrint“.


Team of KL identifies strong correlation between cachexia and markers of bone loss


KL-key research area oncology: A research team led by physicians of the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems) uncovers a pivotal role for a regulator protein in tumour bone marrow angiogenesis.


In a ten-year project, a team from the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences has identified a previously unknown role of calcium channels in the formation of synaptic connections.


Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems has identified physiological processes that indicate the recurrence of malignant brain tumours six months before clinical diagnosis.


Study by Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems finds lasting improvement in word recognition among patients with middle-ear implants in the part of the ear known as the round window.


Young talents of Lower Austria's research community presented in an art calendar. KL researchers Othniel James Aryeetey and Sophia Steinbacher are two of twelve young researchers in Lower Austria who are featured in an artistic project by the ecoplus business agency with a photo and interview.


Study involving researchers from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems identifies factors which affect postoperative progression of rare brain tumour in adults.


Precision surgical implantation of electrodes for the electric-acoustic stimulation of the inner ear can stabilise the long-term residual hearing of severely hearing-impaired people and significantly improve their speech recognition. These are the findings of a study carried out by Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems. The research, which has been published in an international journal, involved carrying out 18 complex operations on patients, who received cochlear implants using a procedure that leaves the anatomy of the inner ear virtually unaltered. The cutting-edge treatment enabled some of the patients to retain their residual hearing, allowing for supplementary acoustic stimulation in addition to electrical stimulation.

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