
Fortschritt für die personalisierte Therapie von Hirntumoren
Thursday, 16. May 2024

Machine learning (ML) methods can quickly and accurately diagnose mutations in gliomas – primary brain tumours.


Study involving researchers from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems identifies factors which affect postoperative progression of rare brain tumour in adults.


Precision surgical implantation of electrodes for the electric-acoustic stimulation of the inner ear can stabilise the long-term residual hearing of severely hearing-impaired people and significantly improve their speech recognition. These are the findings of a study carried out by Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems. The research, which has been published in an international journal, involved carrying out 18 complex operations on patients, who received cochlear implants using a procedure that leaves the anatomy of the inner ear virtually unaltered. The cutting-edge treatment enabled some of the patients to retain their residual hearing, allowing for supplementary acoustic stimulation in addition to electrical stimulation.


Dr. Andreas Reisinger and Juan-Diego Silva, researchers at the Department of Anatomy and Biomechanics at KL University, received a grant "SC dissertations 2019" of EUR 60.000 from the NFB for their research project "A morphology based failure criterion for implanted bone screws".


The KL Department of Water Quality and Health is researching the origin and spread of antibiotic resistance along the Lower Austrian Danube tributaries. The project complements FWF-funded research on the overall situation of the Danube on the same topic.


Does fluorescent marking facilitate the surgical removal of tumors?
Physicians from Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems (KL Krems, Austria) present results of the world's most extensive study headed by the MedUni Vienna investigating the value of 5-aminolevulinic acid in surgery of brain metastases


In the ORF broadcast STUDIO 2, KL psychiatry expert Dr. Beate Schrank today explained the dangers and effects that the (semi-)professional practice of e-sports, i.e. online sports games can have.


The usual disinfectants, such as chlorine or ozone, ensure inactivation of infectious SARS-CoV-2 viruses in bathing water.


Stefan Stieger, Head of the Department of Psychological Methodology at the Department of Psychology and Psychodynamics at KL, was recently appointed to the editorial board of the scientific journal 'Sensors' as Associate Editor. He will serve there for the section 'Wearables'.


How does Austria experience the government measures on the current coronavirus pandemic? How satisfied is the population with the measures taken and what is their personal estimate on the development in the next months?


Doctors at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences review data on immune reactions in heart muscle inflammation. Immunotherapy is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer, but inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) is one of its most serious side effects. This has been highlighted in a review article on the immunological causes and processes of myocarditis, which has just been published by an international research team. Autoimmune reactions are in fact among the most common causes of myocarditis. And such reactions can be triggered by cancer immunotherapies due to their specific modes of action. The increasing use of these treatments could therefore lead to an increase in cases of myocarditis.


The comparison of the bone structure of two early human finds in South Africa suggests, according to a study involving KL researchers, that the development from tree to terrestrial form of living and thus climbing to walking upright in early humans may not have been linear. This was demonstrated in a recently published study using the worldwide unique software to examine bone structure and density, developed by Professor Dieter Pahr, researcher at KL Krems and TU Vienna.


Since Tuesday evening, the online platform has been offering secure, up-to-date and well-founded recommendations for action for doctors in private practice. These recommendations are made available by doctors for doctors after prior review, analysis and daily updates. The new information platform recorded more than 15,000 hits in the first 24 hours.

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