Wednesday, 03. July 2019

Term of office of KL management extended

At its meeting on 3 July 2019, the KL General Assembly reappointed Rudolf Mallinger as Rector and Sabine Siegl as Prorector for the term of office from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2026.

"For Sabine Siegl and myself, this decision also confirms the path we have taken over the past six years and a successful path into the future. The success we have achieved in recent years has only been possible with the support of our highly motivated and excellent employees".

"We are confident that we will continue to successfully develop the university over the next six years. We count on our employees and will do everything to ensure that they find the conditions necessary for motivating and successful work. The common goal must be to strengthen the university by achieving excellent results in both research and teaching."

Rektor Rudolf Mallinger