Tuesday, 13. March 2018

EBM Congress in Graz

From 8-10 March 2018 Cochrane Austria and KL University supported four students to participate at the Evidence based Medicine Congress in Graz. Together with 50 other students from Germany, Switzerland and Austria they were very successful in their project as part of the "Studierendentag".

Further information to EBM-Congress

(c) KL/T.Schmalfuss

v.l.n.r.: Gerald Gartlehner (Director of Cochrane Austria), KL students Katharina Tscherny (4. Jahr), Casey Zachariah (2. Jahr), Theresa Schmalfuss (4. Jahr), Eda Özdogan (3. Jahr), Barbara Nussbaumer-Streit (Dep. Director of Cochrane Austria)