PerCen NeKi

Person-centring from the perspective of relatives

  • Project management: Univ. Prof. Dr. Hanna Mayer
  • Research assistants: Stefan Gschwenter, BA MA, Martin Wallner, BSc MA

Background: Contemporary person-centred theory advocates the inclusion of both health workers and patients' families as persons when developing person-centred practice. While family involvement is considered the cornerstone of good care, there is still conceptual ambiguity about the exact role(s) of family members, both from their own perspective and from the perspective of staff, which may hinder their appropriate involvement in care. In order to include families in the evaluation of person-centred practice, instruments need to be developed that reflect their perspective.

Aim: To develop and test an instrument to capture the family perspective based on an adapted version of the Person-Centred Practice Inventories. 

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hanna Mayer

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hanna Mayer

Head of
Division of Nursing Science with focus on Person-centred Care Research

Martin Wallner BSc MA

Martin Wallner BSc MA

Scientific Staff (PreDoc)
Division of Nursing Science with focus on Person-centred Care Research