Funding area Psychological Methodology

The Department of Psychological Methods generally focuses on internet-based research and also supports the 'open science' initiative. Currently, the following research projects, among others, can be supported:

Current research projects

Planned research project: Does excessive social media consumption lead to problems in emotion recognition?

Technological upheavals always lead to intensive research into possible negative effects. One of the latest technological achievements is the smartphone. Although it was originally developed as a mobile phone, it is now mainly used for text-based social communication. This new form is also called "social media", where users no longer communicate face-to-face or verbally, but almost exclusively text-based with the help of social media platforms (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp). In the past, fears were expressed that the ability to recognise emotions in faces could be lost due to the lack of "face-to-face" interaction.

Supporters wanted!

We are looking for supporters to fund this large-scale study. Even small donations can make a valuable contribution to the research!

Smartphones have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives, enabling us to communicate regardless of time and place - even in social networks. But what influence does constant accessibility have on our health? Initial scientific findings suggest that excessive text-based online communication affects basic social skills. It is suspected that excessive social media consumption could, among other things, lead to a loss of the ability to recognise and interpret emotions in faces.

Whether this is really the case is to be scientifically analysed in a large-scale study by a research team at KL under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieger, PD.

Your donation makes it possible to carry out and evaluate the study!

In order to make valid statements, large samples are needed. All supporters (except anonymous donations) are mentioned by name in the study.

Further information on the funding area

Would you like to learn more about the topic of "excessive social media consumption"? In this interview, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger, PD, Head of Dept. Psychology and Psychodynamics, Department of Psychological Methodology at the KL tells us, among other things, how excessive social media consumption can affect the psyche and health and which population groups are particularly at risk.

Are you interested in supporting a funding topic of the Department of Psychological Methodology?

Please contact us, we will be happy to provide you with further information.

Mag. (FH) Ingrid Brunner

Mag. (FH) Ingrid Brunner

Communications, PR and Marketing

Univ.-Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger

Univ.-Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Stefan Stieger

Head of
Division of Psychological Methodology