• Research blog
Thursday, 06. July 2023

Bilateral vocal fold paresis and glottal bridge synechia in COVID-19

Recent publication

Doctors from the University Hospital St. Pölten report on a case of bilateral vocal fold paralysis after COVID-19 infection. The researchers explain why they assume that vocal fold paralysis can be a rare complication of COVID-19 infection and do not see the cause in the necessary intubation. They also discuss effective treatment options in their paper published in the journal "Clinical Case Reports" Open Access.

Tardue‐Breiter AE, Glück A, Dier H, Sprinzl GM. Bilateral vocal fold paresis and glottal bridge synechia in COVID-19. Clinical Case Reports. 2023 Jun 28;11(7). doi: 10.1002/ccr3.7447, 10.1002/ccr3.v11.7

Dr. Antonia Elisabeth Tardue-Breiter BA

Division of Otorhinolaryngology (University Hospital St. Pölten)

Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Mathias Sprinzl

Division of Otorhinolaryngology (University Hospital St. Pölten)