• Forschungsblog
Donnerstag, 25. April 2024

Diversity, Equity und Inklusion in der Wissenschaft: Themen, Kritiken, Lösungen“

Gleichstellung | Veranstaltungshinweis


Veranstaltung zum Thema „Diversity, Equity und Inklusion in der Wissenschaft: Themen, Kritiken, Lösungen“ am Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024 ab 14 Uhr an der Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität.

Nach der Begrüßung durch Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mallinger wird Mag.a Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl, PhD von der Stabsstelle Forschung Aktuelles zum Gleichstellungsplan der KL berichten. Im Anschluss erfolgt der Vortrag „Diversity, Equity und Inklusion in der Wissenschaft: Themen, Kritiken, Lösungen“ von Adis Šerifović, BA MA und Mag.a Steph Grohmann, MSc PhD.

Die Teilnahme ist für alle Mitarbeiter:innen der KL und der Universitätskliniken kostenlos. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten, den Anmeldelink finden Sie in OpenCampus (Login erforderlich) 

Zu den Vortragenden:

Steph Grohmann provides advice and consultation in matters of research ethics at all stages of the research project life cycle, from “ethics by design” to the documentation required for impactful international publication. Her work at LBG is dedicated to ensuring that research participants and co-creators in participatory research are treated fairly, equitably and with a minimal risk of harm. Steph’s background is in medical anthropology and the anthropology of ethics. Her own research  focuses on health inequities in the context of homelessness, displacement and marginalization. Before joining LBG, she has worked at the universities of London, Oxford and Edinburgh.ä

Adis Šerifović‘s focus lies in the networking of different stakeholders for participatory and transdisciplinary research projects. Adis graduated in Social Work (BA) and Social Innovation (MA) at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg (FH Salzburg) and is an expert in involving vulnerable groups in innovative and social processes. Before joining the OIS Center, Adis worked at the University of Salzburg and developed educational projects for strengthening international relations on a scientific level with China. He also worked for the Federal Ministry for Families and Youth as a process manager for projects in the area of integration and youth. Adis also advises entrepreneurs, politicians, and NGOs on issues such as human rights, diversity, and integration/migration.