Medizin, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Kleingruppenunterricht, UK, SkillsLab, Medical Science

Research Management

KL is engaged in internationally competitive, translational and clinical research in defined priority areas of the health sciences and human medicine and with a focus on the innovative field of medical technology. Particular attention is paid to social aspects such as health economics, gender medicine and gerontology. This spectrum will be progressively expanded in specific subject areas of psychology and the psychotherapy sciences.

KL is committed to upholding academic freedom and an integrated approach to research and teaching as the basis of an academic education. Priority is given to integrating students into ongoing research projects, and to incorporating ongoing scientific activities into the curriculum in order to ensure research-led teaching. Societal challenges and relevant issues from everyday clinical practice are used to formulate research questions and address them in collaborative projects. Clinical research is cross-linked with topics from industry to support the viability of collaborations and increase the reach of scientific knowledge transfer. This is done in line with the principles of responsible scientific practice (responsible research, open science). The Research Management Unit is the key unit for the various agendas in connection with research and development at KL. The close cooperation between the staff unit, the researchers, the administrative service areas and the management of the KL is of utmost importance.

The range of services includes:

  • Research funding (researching funding opportunities, information, advice and support in obtaining third-party funding)
  • Research management (networking, training, collaborating with businesses)
  • Research documentation (database, newsletter)
  • Development and implementation of an open science strategy
  • Establishment and implementation of the “Research Impulses” policy package
DI Dr. Rita Anita Litauszky

DI Dr. Rita Anita Litauszky

Member of ÖAWI, Member of the Senate, Head of
Research Management Unit

Dr. Johannes Gattringer Bakk MSc

Dr. Johannes Gattringer Bakk MSc

Research Management Unit

Mag. Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl PhD

Mag. Afitap Derya Köprülü-Rössl PhD

Member of Committee for Gender Equality and the Advancement
Research Management Unit

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

MMag. Sabine Brandstetter Bakk

Research Management Unit

Mag. Sonja Bogner

Mag. Sonja Bogner

Works Council
Research Management Unit

Forschung, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, Uniklinikum

More about research at KL

Basic Research | Translational Research | Clinical Research

Please find more information about research on this page.